Produkty dla la formuła (3)

Mleko dla niemowląt - Medyczne i Farmaceutyczne

Mleko dla niemowląt - Medyczne i Farmaceutyczne

EVAL is already used world-wide to improve the safety, shelf life and process efficiency of packaging for baby food and other infant formulas. With a reliable performance, shelf-stable packaging can be designed to safely limit the total amount of oxygen ingress. Quality is assured and shelf life is extended, notably by protecting fat and vitamin content against oxidation. Additional safety and extended shelf life with oxygen scavenger For the most oxygen-sensitive products, EVALâ„¢ grades with oxygen scavenging capacity can create a negative oxygen increase, providing extra safety margins and extending product shelf life.
Mydło Hammam - Mydła

Mydło Hammam - Mydła

Des ingrédients 100% naturels et d’origine biologique, Une recette artisanale et simple ! La formule a été étudiée avec amour pour offrir un véritable soin digne du hammam avec du sel de la morte, de l’argile marocaine (rhassoul), de l’huile d’argan. Les graines de pavot vont parfaire le gommage. Ce savon offre un véritable gommage, donc à ne pas utiliser quotidiennement. Convient pour tout type de peau, il suffut d’adapter la force d’application sur la peau en fonction de votre sensibilité cutanée ! Ne contient pas de substances controversées. Production artisanale, belge avec des produits issus de l’agriculture biologique. Disponible en vrac, participe au zéro déchet. Respecte l’environnement des orangs-outans.
Specjalistyczne Zabiegi - Pentra-Sil® (AC) Formuła Kontroli Alkaliczności i Podkład

Specjalistyczne Zabiegi - Pentra-Sil® (AC) Formuła Kontroli Alkaliczności i Podkład

Pentra-Sil® (AC) Advanced Lithium Alkalinity Control Formula Primer is specifically designed for use on sweating or efflorescing floors as a pretreatment for Pentra-Sil. The unique treatment will neutralize substrate surfaces suffering from alkalinity problems. It reduces sweating of the concrete surface, neutralizes surfaces treated with sodium or potassium silicates and reduces vapor drive that carries the alkaline salts to the surface of the concrete. High pH levels at the surface of concrete can attract moisture as Mother Nature acts to equalize an existing pH imbalance by drawing moisture from the concrete slab towards the surface or from the air above the slab. Reduction of this phenomenon has been seen through the use of Pentra-Sil® (AC) and Pentra-Sil® (C&N). It is aggressively worked into the pre-cleaned surface where it is allowed to penetrate deep into the substrate to control surface alkalinity.